CM Tooltip Glossary
- Activation
- Acupuncture
- Acute pain
- Addiction
- Adjuvant analgesic
- Agonists
- Algogenic
- Allodynia
- Analgesia
- Analgesic ceiling
- Analgesics
- Anesthesia
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Antagonists
- Antidepressant
- Antiemetics
- Antiepileptic Drug (AED)
- Arachnoiditis
- Arthritis
- Behavioral therapy or behavioral modification
- Beta-blockers
- Bioavailability
- Biofeedback
- Biopsychosocial
- Board-certification in Pain Medicine
- Botulinum toxin type A (Botox)
- Breakthrough pain
- Buprenorphine
- Capsaicin
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Causalgia
- Celiac plexus
- Central nervous system (CNS)
- Central pain
- Central sensitization
- Cerebral cortex
- Cervical spine
- Chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP)
- Chronic non-malignant pain (CNMP)
- Chronic pain
- Chronic pain syndrome (CPS)
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Continuous dysesthesia
- Controlled Substance Agreement
- Corticosteroid
- COX-2 inhibitor
- Cyclooxygenase (COX)
- Deafferentation
- Deep somatic pain
- Deep tissues
- Dermatomes
- Disc
- Discectomy
- Discography/Discogram
- Dorsal horn (DH)
- Dorsal horn neurons
- Dysesthesia
- Endogenous opioids
- Enkephalins
- Epidural
- Epidural Blood Patch
- Equianalgesic
- Equianalgesic dose chart
- Ergotamine
- Excitatory amino acids (EAAs)
- Facet joints
- Fellowship training
- Fibromyalgia
- Field block injection
- Glutamate
- Headache
- Headache, cluster
- Headache, rebound
- Headache, sinus
- Headache, tension
- Herniated disc
- Herpes zoster virus (related to shingles)
- Hyperalgesia
- Hyperesthesia
- Hyperpathia
- Hypersensitivity Pain Disorder (HPD)
- Hypoalgesia
- Hypoesthesia
- Iatrogenic
- Imagery
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory mediators
- Intermittent claudication
- Interventional pain management
- Intra-articular injection
- Intractable pain
- Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy(IDT)
- Intrathecal
- Ischemia
- Joint
- Ketamine
- Kyphoplasty
- Lancinating pain
- Lidocaine
- Limbic system
- Local anesthetic
- Lumbar spine
- Lumbar spondylosis
- Migraine
- Migraine, menstrual
- Morphine
- Mu agonists
- Multimodal analgesia
- Nerve block
- Neuralgia
- Neuritis
- Neuroablation
- Neuroablative therapy
- Neurolysis
- Neuropathic pain
- Nociceptive pain
- Nociceptors
- Non-pharmacologic therapy
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
- Occipital Nerve Block
- Onset of action
- Opiate
- Opioid
- Opioid rotation
- Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH)
- Opioid, long-acting
- Opioid, short acting
- Osteoarthritis
- Pain flares(flare ups)
- Pain intensity scales
- Pain management
- Pain pump
- Pain scales
- Pain threshold
- Pain tolerance level
- Palliative care (hospice)
- Parenteral administration
- Paresthesia
- Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
- Perioperative pain
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Peripheral sensitization
- Phantom limb pain
- Physical dependence
- Physiological pain
- Polypharmacy
- Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)
- Potency
- Preemptive analgesia
- Prialt® (Ziconotide)
- Primary afferent (nerve) fibers
- Projection neurons
- Prolotherapy
- Pruritus
- Pseudo-opioid resistance
- Pseudoaddiction
- Pseudotolerance
- Psychogenic pain
- Psychological dependence
- Radiculopathy
- Referred pain
- Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
- Regional anesthesia
- Responsiveness
- Rheumatism
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Sciatica (see also Radiculopathy)
- Scoliosis
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
- Shingles
- Sicca syndrome
- Sjögren syndrome
- Somatic pain
- Spinal cord stimulator
- Spinal fusion
- Spinal stenosis
- Spinothalamic tract (STT)
- Spondylitis
- Spondyloarthropathy
- Spondylolisthesis
- Stellate ganglion block
- Stress hormone response
- Substance P
- Superficial (cutaneous) somatic pain
- Sympathetic (nervous system) hyperactivity
- Sympathetic nerve block
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder
- Thalamus
- Therapeutic dependence
- Thermonociceptive
- Tolerance
- Topical agents
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
- Transdermal
- Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
- Trigger point injection
- Trigger zone/point
- Triptans
- Vertebrae
- Vertebroplasty
- Wind-up pain
- Withdrawal
- Ziconotide